
Washing period underwear - easy & incredibly unspectacular

Washing period underwear - easy & incredibly un...

Washing period underwear – how does that work exactly? Don't worry, calm down, relax and go with the flow! With nookees, it's all completely relaxed.

nookees ist für den “Innovations for Tomorrow Award by hessnatur” 2023 nominiert.

Innovations for Tomorrow Award by hessnatur

We are overwhelmed. nookees is nominated for the "Innovations for Tomorrow Award by hessnatur". The sustainability prize is awarded for the second time and focuses on female founders in 2023.

nookees vs. period panties

nookees vs. period panties

nookees reusable period pads vs. period panties, that sounds like an odd thing to compare given that reusable period undies are the holy grail of sustainable bleeding, right? Well, not...

nookees vs. disposable pads

nookees vs. disposable pads

Is it time to swap your tried-and-true bleeding companion for practical, innovative, and sustainable alternatives? Are washable pads really the cotton reusables you re been searching for your whole menstruating...

Free Bleeding

Free Bleeding

Seriously, what is the point of free bleeding? Is free bleeding good for you? Is it safe? Here’s how to free bleed without making a mess and why you should...

nookees vs. tampons

nookees vs. tampons

nookees sustainable & reusable period pads vs. tampons Granted, you’ve probably heard praising reusable period pads a gazillion times before. Seems like every eco-conscious menstruating person under the sun has...