The wonderful podcast interview I did with Tina Molin for "𝘾𝙖𝙣 𝙄 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙩?" left me with many thoughts regarding us women. One particular one has stuck with me since then:
When men look down at their bodies, they celebrate what they see. It is their trophy to celebrate sexuality, it is something they have touched with pleasure since they were little boys and that gives them self-esteem. When women do the same, they find a bunch full of problems and stigmas surrounding their femininity.
Recently I saw an an ad for a particular leggings avoiding the so-called "camel toe" (I had to look it up as I never heard it before), which means the outline of the outer lips of the vulva in tightly fitting clothes. And of course, following this ad, this is something women should try to hide because here we go again, one more problem related to our wonderful genitals.
The question of the question: Why are women so incredibly discriminated against in so many different areas of our lives and society?
The answer is hard to find, and the reasons for it as well. Reflecting on the discrimination women also suffer when it comes to menstruation, I started wondering: When did menstruation aka the most powerful thing aka the source of all our lives, become something to hide instead of celebrate?
Sometimes I also get the question if you can see nookees period panties under very tight pants like the yoga ones and leggings (and imagine this in combination with the "camel toe" how can women still leave the house???), and as much as the answer is no, it makes me sad. Why is it so important that nobody gets it that we're menstruating? Why is there always something we need to hide? Even period panties? Why should all those things make us feel uncomfortable? When did all of this start?
When did our superpower get turned into something to hide? And why do so many of us still follow this oppression? Vice versa it is very interesting that I realised once we don't hide it anymore but talk openly about it, it seems like a big relief for everybody involved.