How does a menstrual disc work? Here comes the game-changer for active periods

How does a menstrual disc work? Here comes the game-changer for active periods

When I created nookees, I knew exactly what I wanted: a period product that felt good, was sustainable, and completely free from unnecessary chemicals. That’s why I developed the nookees click-in system - because I believed in giving people a comfortable, reusable alternative to traditional period products. But as much as I love my own innovation, there was still one problem I couldn’t solve with nookees alone: what to do during activities like surfing, swimming, or even sauna sessions.

For years, I found myself sitting on the beach watching perfect waves roll in, frustrated that I couldn’t join in just because I was on my period. Tampons weren’t an option for me, and menstrual cups always felt uncomfortable. I needed something different. That’s when I discovered the menstrual disc.

But how does a menstrual disc work? Unlike tampons or cups, a menstrual disc doesn’t absorb blood - it collects it. Instead of sitting in the vaginal canal like a tampon or sealing against the vaginal walls like a menstrual cup, a disc is placed higher up, in the vaginal fornix, just below the cervix. It stays in place by tucking behind the pubic bone and is held by the body’s natural anatomy, without relying on suction. This makes it feel more comfortable for many users, as it moves with the body rather than pressing against the vaginal walls.

To insert a menstrual disc, it is pinched into a narrow shape and slid into the vagina, aiming towards the cervix. Once inside, it naturally expands and settles into place. The disc can hold more blood than most other period products, offering up to 12 hours of leak-free protection. Removal is simple: by hooking a finger under the rim and gently pulling it out, the collected fluid can be emptied before reinserting it. Some people also experience a phenomenon called “auto-dumping,” where the disc naturally empties itself slightly when using the toilet due to pressure changes - making it even more convenient.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was the missing piece in my period routine. I still love my nookees click-in system for everyday wear, but when it comes to those moments when I don’t want to think about my period at all - whether I’m catching waves, relaxing in the sauna, or spending a long day on the go - the menstrual disc became my go-to. That’s exactly why I decided to make it part of the nookees product range.

For anyone looking for an alternative to tampons, pads, or cups - especially those who love an active lifestyle - a menstrual disc might be the best period product you’ve never tried. And I couldn’t be happier to offer it as part of nookees.

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